I'm Linnae Harris, your Showit designer

How to create a killer “About Me” page that actually grows your photography business

A photographer with a background in design and marketing. Not only am I a professional photographer, but I graduated University Of South Florida for Art Education, attended International Art Academy for Graphic Arts and University Of Arizona for Digital Marketing.  

A real person and your partner for this important project. I’m not a large agency bouncing you around to various team members, trying to fit your project into their boxes. My services are personal and approachable.

If you add on Magnetic Content Coaching, I'll take you through an intensive photography business framework. These exercises are designed to deep dive into your existing business, make some serious kick!@#$ improvements and lay the foundation for your brand new website or your DIY-ed site. 

Partner with me with your website,
and here’s
what you’ll get:

A seasoned entrepreneur who’ll obsess over your project, and will walk with you to create exceptional messaging, a stunning design and so many ways to improve your business. I've been self-employed and a solopreneur for three decades. I gained an immense amount of knowledge, practical skills and talent for creating businesses that succeed. 

I may be one or two paces ahead of you in your photography journey and would love to share what I know and help you grow.

Results. Finally. A website that is unique and beautiful and speaks perfectly to your ideal client. A website that sells and ranks well on Google. A site that you're proud of and glad to call your own.

Being a solopreneur can be an amazing journey BUT it can be lonely and frustrating at times.

Work with someone whose "been there and done that". This can be your most important, single step in reaching your full potential; easing your mental load and helping you to reach deeper satisfaction within your business.    

Finally, get a website that attracts tons of bookings from your ideal peeps.

Let's chat!

"I'm really EXCITED, Linnae. Something in me snapped yesterday. Pieces fell into place. You said exactly the right words, paired with where I am in this season of life -- and it clicked..... you said something about who I was put on this earth to serve and nurture. That's soul-deep, love language level there. I can't WAIT to get this business of mine chugging along doing what it needs to do. "

 -Lauren Benson 


My family photography portfolio

2010 - 2021

Personality quizzes can be a great way to see what makes you, you. If you are looking for a little fun, below are some further insights into who I am and what makes me tick. It’s also a great way to see just what a partnership between our personalities can offer.

Let’s have some fun!

Archetype quiz 

Meyers Brigg test

Advocate (INFJ): An advocate is someone with (I)ntroverted, I(N)tuitive, (F)eeling, and (J)udging personality traits. These personalities tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. They have a deep sense of idealism and integrity, but they aren’t idle dreamers – they take concrete steps to realize their goals and make a lasting impact.

Teacher/Caregiver archetype: As the name suggests, I’m a teacher at my core. I actually taught high school and community college classes in art, photography and Photoshop. As such, many of my communications will be less “tell you what to do” and more a sharing of expertise and mutual respect.

Finally, get a website that attracts tons of bookings from your ideal peeps.

Let's chat!