A dedicated Showit designer, just for you

How to create a killer “About Me” page that actually grows your photography business

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Let’s be honest, you need design help, like, yesterday. Your website updates haven’t gotten done yet because you don’t have the time, energy or desire to learn the programs and fidget with design layouts. You have a better use for your time. You’ve got your business to run!

I know your smart and savvy which is why you’ve been eyeing up Showit and thinking something like, “Hey, I can totally DIY this, right?”

And, yep, you absolutely can. You can learn a lot online these days but are you a web designer? Do you really want to spend hours and hours trying to figure this out? Is this the best use of your time?

Beginning to worry you don’t know what you’re doing? Don’t panic, you’re not in this alone. We can work on "big picture" branding refreshes, your to-do list or almost anything else related to your website and its strategy. Don't worry, I got you. 

VIP-style intensive that finally checks "design to-dos" off your list

You don't have to do this on your own

How many clients are you losing because you've outgrown your website?

Your photography clients make split second decisions. Especially when they're about to hand over hundreds and thousands of dollars for your services and products.

It takes 0.05 seconds for users to create an opinion about your website (source-Behavior and Information Technology).

32% said design influences their buying decision. If the design is outdated or doesn't match the rest of the messaging, they feel "confused" and "concerned" that the offer wasn't high-quality. Good design helps build trust.

68% will leave if the navigation is bad. Navigation includes the menu and the customer journey. Make it easy for people to find what they want and then pay you!

50% shared that bad design made them question the validity of an offer. Basically, good offer + bad design {and poor copy} meant they were less likely to convert.

The top reasons people leave a website is if the site loads too slowly. Photography website are notorious for being slow because photo files are ginormous! 

These issues (and more) can be improved and fixed during our VIP day. 

You're the boss. You have a "to-do" list longer than my arm. You understand that you don't have to #doALLthethings. You have nothing to prove. I'm can be your side-kick "to-do-er" and will remove those burdens one by one. Let's get started.  

This is the perfect first step to spot what you’re doing well and what you can improve on.

Revive your site with a make over to help with conversions.

SEO helps your site rank better on search engines. I can set up or change your on-site SEO settings as well as teach you some basic steps you can take to improve your rankings. 




Hire this Designer

Website audit

Refresh existing site

"To Do" List

Search Engine Optimization

Improve your brand messaging

Want to learn how to add and remove photos from your galleries; write and optimize a blog, learn more about SEO. If it's in my wheelhouse, I'm happy to teach you what I know.

Template customization


I can take care of you never ending "to-do" list by updating your gallery images, change out your copy, set it up with your CRM or just bout anything. 

These are just some of the tasks that can be accomplished.


Ready to pull your hair out because you thought DIY-ing this template would be easy? No worries, I can help you with other designers' templates. 


Without good messaging, its hard to be seen and remembered in this chaotic world. 

Learn to do it yourself

Set up funnels

Add new pages


Add a sales, landing, welcome or pricing page. Never set up your blog? Not only can I set up your blog but I can teach you how to create a blog post using Wordpress and SEO. 

Want a Lead magnet? I'll design the banner and set up the back-end to capture email addresses.

Day and hourly rates

Fill out the "Let's chat" button below to see if I can take care of all your items on your wish list.

**Please note, this service does not include large scale projects, such as a full custom website design. However, if you’re interested in those services, you can get more info 

Imagine a site that becomes your 24/7 highly efficient salesperson that makes money while you sleep


Magnetic content coaching 
Attract 5 star clients with ease - this framework will unlock your one-of-a-kind content and messaging. Includes instructional videos, worksheets and weekly meetings to receive your one-on-one feedback. 

Day rate (8 hours)  $500
Half day (4 hours)  $300
Hourly $100
Magnetic content coaching $700
Additional pages $250 - $300



I felt overwhelmed and unclear, yet filled with ideas and inspiration. Linnae listened to both - keenly mining for the gems.  Together we created a beautiful and intentional online presence for my new business.  Linnae held my hand through the entire process.  She is personable, clear, smart and super competent.

-Grace Scarbrough


VIP day for photographers

step one

step two

step three

step four

How does this work?

Let's chat


VIP day

Re-freshed website 

Based on your project(s), there may be some pre-work for you to do (writing copy, choosing photos, etc).

Book a call to discuss your goals or project. During our call, we'll choose the date for your "VIP day" and you will pay a 50% deposit to secure that date.

The morning of the "VIP day", we'll touch base via zoom to plan and coordinate the specific tasks.

The next day you'll wake up feeling refreshed and energized because you got rid of that heavy load that was weighing your down. 

That’s why your "VIP Day" experience will be totally unique to you and your business needs. Get all the support and guidance you need to optimize your Showit website. Through this service, we’ll work together to not just improve your existing website, but empower you with focused help and training so you can maintain and update your site in the long run.

We can collaborate or you can just give me your tasks list and I'll get it all done!

Every site is different

Finally, get a website that attracts tons of bookings from your ideal peeps.

Let's chat!