Resources for photographers

Hi. I'm Linnae Harris, web designer & photographer. I help photographers make magnetic websites that attract their ideal peeps.

5 most important things for a website

  1. What is above-the-fold? 

It is a term that refers back to a printed newspaper. When the paper is folded, everything you can see on top is called “above-the-fold.” Just as it’s considered the most important part of the paper, it’s also the most important part of your site!

This is where you NEED to capture your audience’s attention and it happens in about 3-5 seconds. No kidding. 

In week three of our work together, we will craft a great marketing message that will address who your ideal client is, what you offer, what your plan is to solve their problem, and what makes you different from your competition. 

This target-focused message combined with your amazing photography will ensure those who land on your new website will instantly know if you are a good fit for them.

headlines are important

2. Headlines tell your story.

How do you read a website? Do you read every word top to bottom? Probably not. Most people don’t. People are busy and distracted so they tend to skim. Most people will skim the headlines and then decide if they want to read more.

Make them count.

Let your headlines tell a story that introduces clients to your business.

 In week 4 of our work together, we will create a Storybrand outline that will be used as the basis of your website’s copy.

Your headlines will do all the heavy lifting.

3. Your “About” page that isn’t really just about you. 

Okay, of course, you can’t have an about page without talking about yourself. It’s the literal title of the page! But what many people don’t realize is that it’s actually less about YOU and more about how YOU can help THEM. 

Your prospect got online because they had a problem or desire. 

A mom wants gorgeous family photos for her holiday cards so she wants to make sure the photographer can handle her energetic kids. A man wants updated professional studio headshots because he’s started a new business. A bride-to-be is looking for a cool, laid-back photographer to hang out with on the most important day of her life thus far.

They want to get a feel for who you are but from the perspective of how you can solve their problem. How are you uniquely qualified to help them? 

In week five, we’ll discuss the differences between features and benefits and how to give clients your details in ways that show you can solve their needs.

mobile responsive site

4. Be mobile compatible.

Do you know how many of your clients found your website while on their phone?

In a world where you constantly have the internet in the palm of your hand, it’s not surprising that 61% of the U.S. population shops from their phone.

This means the mobile version of your site needs to be as strong, visually appealing and fast as your computer version. 

BTW, if you don’t know how to get this information, don’t worry, it’s something we’ll find out when we’re discussing SEO (search engine optimization) for your new site.

5. A strong “Call to action”.

This might seem obvious to you, but what do you want your potential client to do once they’re finished reading and looking at your website? 

Do you want them to read a blog post, send you an email, or fill out your form? Make sure you lead your potential clients to what you want them to do. 

Hopefully, you noticed my cute pink buttons while you were scrolling my site and in this Welcome Pricing Guide.

I would love for you to:

1. Click the button below.

2. Choose a day & time. 

3. Chat and see if we’re a good fit.

website tips

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  1. […] it’s the first thing all your visitors see. Not sure what “above the fold means”? Click here: What is “Above the fold?” ). Not sure how to change your home page to put something new above the fold? Click here and […]

Finally, get a website that attracts tons of bookings from your ideal peeps.

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