Resources for photographers

Hi. I'm Linnae Harris, web designer & photographer. I help photographers make magnetic websites that attract their ideal peeps.

Why you need a website for your Asheville business 

As various forms of social media become more and more popular, I often find myself being asked how necessary an actual business website is for your Asheville business. Is it really such a big deal not have one? 

To those that ask, my answer is simple “You actually can’t afford NOT to!”- especially in Asheville. 

If you live here, you already know just how much our city is booming. 

Asheville tops a slew of “best of” lists and with all the positive publicity and popularity comes an influx of people and businesses. 

Great on one hand, but increasingly challenging on the other. 

After all, in a city full of creatives and entrepreneurs, it may seem impossible to make an impression. 

This is when having a good website is vital. 

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It gives Asheville businesses credibility

Have you ever had someone mention a business or project to you and when you went to search for them online, they were either impossible to find or had a random, lone yelp review?

How likely were you to actually use/hire them after that moment? 

I’m willing to bet you ended up looking for someone else. 

But why?

While I doubt you really thought about it, chances are you automatically assumed they weren’t worth your time or money. After all, if they didn’t put forth effort in themselves by having an up-to-date website, why should you assume they would work and be productive for you?

Not having a good website in this day and age is an instant red flag for most clients. 

Beautiful lake in buncombe county

It lets you show exactly who you are in a space you control

Unlike social media, your website is a constant space where you have complete control of what you share with a potential client. 

Did you know that once you post content on almost all social media platforms, you have handed over the reins and given them full authority over it?

Get a random complaint or include something which could possibly be considered offensive? It’s not unusual for the post or perhaps your entire account to be suspended or even closed!

Post format isn’t how you would like to get your content across? Too bad! You are completely at their mercy!

With your website the world is your oyster. You have the ability to share the content you want to emphasize and turn off all the distractions and background noise that is often competing with your message. 

west asheville street

It lets you put your best foot forward

Reviews are huge. 

The positive ones are the foundation your business is built on. The bad ones?! EEK!

There’s a reason why strong client ratings and reviews are so valuable and sought after.. 

Your website is the one space where you can ensure the comments posted are the ones you most want your potential clients to see. 

It enlarges your client pool

Though it may seem as if the internet is constantly changing, there is one thing that stays the same: Google is king when searching online for a product or service. 

So why would you ever want to not have access to everyone using it?!

By having a well developed website with the necessary SEO (Search Engine Optimization) components, you can make your business the top result for anyone looking in your area. 

It gives you the virtual equivalent of handing out a business flyer to hundreds of potential clients that are already in the market for what you are selling. 

How much easier would it be to have clients come to you vs. you having to constantly try and chase them down?!

waterfall just outside of asheville

It’s tourist friendly

With over 4 million visitors visiting Asheville annually and spending 2 billion dollars in just Buncombe county alone,  there’s a good chance your Asheville business relates to them in some shape or form. 

Of those, how many do you think are using Google to plan their trip?

A website doesn’t just make it easier for them to discover you, it also highlights your business and attracts clients!

Google isn’t infallible. I can’t be the only person who has ever made an appointment but when I went to get there, the contact information was confusing and off in some way. 

To say I was frustrated is an understatement. 

Now add the business not having a website giving the correct directions and contact information, and that frustration reaches a whole new level. 

No one wants an annoyed and angry client so anything you can do to help avoid that situation should be an obvious move. 

Like it or not, your online presence is one of the most important aspects of your local business. 

Instead of trying to avoid or limit your space in it, do what you can to make it work for you.

I get it. 

As a Buncombe county business owner myself, I sometimes try to cut corners where I can. 

After all, neither our time nor our money is limitless. 

Your website is not the place to cut corners. 

To be profitable in a city as competitive as Asheville, you need to gather all the marketing tools you can to put yourself on top. And your website…It’s probably the most important.

Realize you need a website but unsure where to start? I’ve got your back! With multiple packages available, together we can develop the personalized, effective site you need to put your business on top! Reach out to me at LINNAE DESIGNS.  

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