Resources for photographers

Hi. I'm Linnae Harris, web designer & photographer. I help photographers make magnetic websites that attract their ideal peeps.

Can your photography business be successful if you don’t have a niche?

Is it just me, or has the idea of having a niche for your photography business gotten a bad reputation?

“How can I be creative if I’m always doing the same thing?”

“It’s going to limit my clients and therefore my income!”

“What if someone wants something different and doesn’t hire me?!”

Sound familiar?

Here’s the thing, having a niche doesn’t mean you can never photograph another genre- I promise! 
All it means is that your website focuses on your specialty.

What is it that separates you from the pack?

The reason doesn’t have to be centered solely on your subjects! Maybe you specialize in a very specific lighting system and classic posing which can be used for any style of indoor photography. 

There’s no need to have your website focus only on how your lighting can improve headshots when you also happily offer everything from bridal portraits to branding photography.

Your studio and its lighting is your niche. 

Your website can (and should!) show the wonderful results your lighting can have for an assortment of clients. 

For you, your niche is HOW you photograph your subject, not WHAT. 

You created a specialty that isn’t genre-related and that’s great!

Perhaps you only offer themed mini-sessions but you invite families, newborns, seniors, and engaged and pregnant couples. You can photograph a wide variety of genres but you have still created a specialty.

Maybe you’re a commercial photographer. You photograph products, adult and kids’ clothing and even provide photography for small businesses. It may feel like you’re all over the place until you realize that all of your client’s photos end up in print. They use your photography in their catalogs, menus and brochures. You then become an expert at creating photography that will serve your client’s endpoint.

Sometimes, when trying to narrow down what sets us apart, we concentrate too much on what’s in front of the camera versus the skill and process behind it. 

Many photographers actually already have a niche and don’t even know it. 

One of the best ways to figure out your photography niche is to utilize your brand statement. 

When I was a photographer, the header at the top of my page said: 

“Photography for easy-going families that capture beautiful images that make your heart sing.”

branding statement from photographers website

It plainly stated who I worked best with (easy-going families) and what I would give them (images that make your heart sing).

No guesswork here!

And wouldn’t you know it, those were exactly the clients that came my way and referred me to all of their friends. 

Not sure what your brand statement is? THIS will help!

statement that explains photographers niche
photography niche
niche statement

Having a niche isn’t meant to be limiting.

It’s to ensure you are matched with the clients that want what you have to offer. 

Think about it.. If you love doing outdoor, casual family shoots, which client makes the most sense for you? Someone looking for a formal, structured bridal portrait? Or a fun loving family looking for candid pictures by a lake? 

When your website clearly shows what you prefer and are best at, those are the clients you will attract. It’s a win-win for both of you!

Another factor many photographers don’t consider is: having a niche can actually make you more money.

What?!?! How is that possible?!

Having clients who fit your style all but guarantees their satisfaction and that they will both recommend you to their friends and use you again and again. 

Happy clients give you the biggest return on investment and this is the best way to get them. 

Don’t think of having a niche as limiting your options. Instead, think of it as ensuring you attract the clients who will help your business grow. 

You’re not turning off prospects but instead highlighting what you do best and what makes you perfect for the type of clients you’re looking for. 

Remember, being ok to everyone makes you “the one” to no one.

Your aim is to show exactly how you can be your ideal client’s “hero” and how you are the only photographer that can get them exactly what they need. 

Finding your niche ensures your competition becomes irrelevant and you are able to build a business tailored to your wants and needs. 

When you think about it, the better question should be, “ why wouldn’t you develop a niche for your photography business?!”

If you want some help defining your niche or your brand messaging, just give me a hollar! You can reach me at 828-230-1462 or CONTACT.

graphic that reads, Can your photography business be successful if you don’t have a niche?

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