Resources for photographers

Hi. I'm Linnae Harris, web designer & photographer. I help photographers make magnetic websites that attract their ideal peeps.

Create a compelling brand story for your photography biz

As a photographer, your business is perfect for creating a compelling brand story. 

Unlike a big business model, you don’t have to worry about how to “humanize” yourself to make you relatable. 

You literally are one!

Your brand story should take your personality and bring it to the center stage. This is your chance to showcase to your potential clients exactly who you are and make that connection!

This doesn’t mean you should turn your home page into an about me page, though.

Instead, think about the vibe you are trying to get across and make sure you stay consistent.

Own who you are! and don’t try to be everything to everyone. 

By keeping it simple and straightforward, you will be in the best position to get your message across. 

Need help figuring out your compelling brand message?

I got you!

You just need to figure out what story to tell that will differentiate you from your competition.  Your story can ensure you are the best option to solve your client’s problems or pain point(s). 

Remember, the entire reason they are looking for you is to gain a solution to a problem they have. 

Identify the problem

As a photographer, the options are limitless and multifaceted. 

It’s easy to oversimplify the problem as “the client needs a family/wedding/business/portrait photographer” but if that is truly all there is, then you are no different than any other person with a camera taking pictures. 

Delve deeper.

Do you find that you are able to make introverts and people who are usually uncomfortable in front of a camera shine? Maybe you have access to locations that would be hard to reach or unavailable to other photographers?

Try and think of past clients and the struggles they faced and how you excelled in finding a solution and making them happy.. 

Being able to directly identify the problem shows the reader you can meet it head on. 

It’s not unlikely that you may actually identify a pain point a client didn’t even realize they have and by addressing it directly, you have put in their head that they need you to fix it.

Let them know they’re not alone

There is a certain amount of vulnerability involved when you have your picture taken. 

How many times have you gone to photograph a client and they tell you about the weight they tried to lose/hair they had done/bribes they offered the kids before they met with you?

Remind the reader that they are not the first (nor the last!) client you have seen with that problem and just how you can relate. 

“Is there ever a more magical and stressful time than a wedding?! You’ve put in countless hours and significant money into a day that you’ve been dreaming of.  All you want are perfect pictures to capture your special moments, which will last long after your day is done.”

Make them feel seen and say “you get me!”

Offer yourself as the solution

This is the most important step.

Whatever problem or pain point you decide to focus on, remember to bring it back to how you are the ultimate solution.

“Nervous about getting your kids to stay still long enough to get a picture with everyone looking at the camera? Don’t you worry about it, that’s my job! I have vast experience making sure I get that ‘magic shot’ that ensures the perfect family photo for your mantle.”

Now instead of freaking out about their kids not posing like they are supposed to, you have a client who is confident in your ability to control the situation and get them the photographs they desire. 

With a client that trusts you, you are more likely to get both the sale and a client who is easier to work with.

Readers may think they are just looking for a standard photographer, but once they see one of their pain points addressed and solved,  you have positioned yourself as the photographer they can trust with their problems.

Now, they feel connected and see you are the one photographer which can truly give them the results they want.

Call to action

Sometimes the easiest step is also the easiest to forget.

You did all the hard work to get a client to want to hire you but now what? 

Remember, the second they press that little “X” to close your site you’ve lost them again. 

Make sure you give them an easy way to contact you while you have their attention. 

Be direct and tell them exactly how to reach out to you.

Don’t be shy with those “contact me” buttons!

By following these steps, you should be able to come up with a brand message that can turn potential clients into well-paying clients and a loyal client base in which to build and grow your photography business

Want to delve deeper?

I’m definitely not the first web designer or marketing professional to get on the brand story train.

In fact, it’s become such a well-respected approach there is a hugely popular messaging tool/company called StoryBrand (see what they did there?!) that has taken it to a new level. 

While it is unlikely you will want or need everything they have to offer, it can be a helpful source of information if you’re looking to go beyond a typical brand story.

Want even more help?

HI! I’m Linnae! 😉  Seriously, though, there is nothing wrong with knowing your strengths and limitations and getting outside help if you need it. Professionals are out there for a reason and sometimes the best decision you can make is to take a helping hand that can help ease the process and take you to the next level. 

brand story graphic

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  1. […] A good brand story should tell a client: the type of photographer you are, which clients you are perfect for, and exactly how you differ from your competition. Read more about how to create a brand statement HERE and “How to create a compelling brand story” HERE. […]

Finally, get a website that attracts tons of bookings from your ideal peeps.

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