Resources for photographers

Hi. I'm Linnae Harris, web designer & photographer. I help photographers make magnetic websites that attract their ideal peeps.

Generate hype for your website launch

Building a new website for your photography business is a huge undertaking. Here are tons of ways you can generate hype for your website launch.

Other than maybe your camera, it is the most significant resource your photography business will have and offers the most direct return on investment. It’s the potential client’s first look at who you are and why they need to hire you.

With the amount of time, planning, and money you put into it, it makes sense to do everything you can to get the most out of your investment. 

You wouldn’t open a brick and mortar business without a grand opening celebration so why would you skip one for your online presence?

While a website launch shouldn’t be the sole element in your marketing strategy, it is the perfect opportunity to get yourself on a potential clients’ radar and promote your photography business. 

So how do you do it?!

Share with people within the community and industry

It takes a village. Utilize the connections you’ve made and ask them for help in sharing news of your launch. 

While not everyone may be on board, as long as you’re not in direct competition, most people should be happy to assist- especially if you’ve ever helped them in the past. Networking is key in any business and this is the time to use all the connections you have made. 

Not sure who to ask? Think about your market. 

If you’re a wedding photographer, reach out to various vendors and locations you have worked with previously. Family photographer? See if any cafes, libraries or schools would be willing to share your information. 

Think of your preferred clientele and market accordingly.

Don’t forget past clients, friends and family.

Even if you are just starting out, you will be surprised at how willing people may be to help and how much each and every person you get to share can spread the word. 

As a wedding photographer it may seem like your happily married, 80-year-old grandmother wouldn’t be much help, but that post she happily shared on facebook telling everyone about the awesome new website her granddaughter is about to launch can be seen by her friend whose grandson is about to get married and is looking for a photographer. Connection made!

Sometimes the most useful marketing comes from the most unexpected places. Reach out to any and everyone that you think may be willing to help- and even some you think may be a long shot. 

If there is a specific business or person you feel would be the ultimate catch, think about how you may be able to get them to join your circle. 

Ask an influencer to generate hype for your website launch

We live in a world of influencers and if you can get on their radar it can be a massive marketing win. Be prepared to offer them a reason why they should use their clout and put your business out there. The best way to get their attention is by impressing them with the best samples of your work (it may get them to voluntarily help you) or in the form of incentives that will make it worth their while. Remember, for them it is a business so plan accordingly.

Use social media to announce your website launch

Nothing spreads information as fast as social media. 

All it takes is a single click to spread information far and wide. 

Use it to your advantage.

Create content for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Tik Tok. Go beyond a simple graphic and post. Consider making stories and videos that can easily be shared and watched across platforms.

In this case, more is more! Don’t limit yourself by only having one type of media for everyone to share. Different demographics prefer different social media platforms and you want to ensure you are able to reach each and every one.

Entice potential clients with contests, freebies or special offers

There is a special satisfaction everyone gets when they get a good deal on something or win a contest. Utilize that feeling to help create some buzz.

Consider offering discounts and/or freebies to help get potential clients excited about your launch. Use the opportunity for an exciting deal to help further your marketing reach. 

Contests which use entries based on liking and sharing a post are so popular for a reason. It’s easy, gets people involved, and most of the marketing is done for you!

Another idea is a scavenger hunt on your website to help ensure visitors spend time exploring your page. Often referred to as an online “Easter egg hunt”, you can offer fun clues and images for viewers to look for and offer a discount upon completion. 

This interaction not only builds interest in your website launch, but also gives you a way to ensure you actually get the content of your site to your viewers beyond just the homepage.

Share behind the scenes information and previews

Show the human behind the business. 

Let your excitement of everything you’re creating on your website shine through. Joy is contagious and showing your pride in what you’ve made will only help bring people on board.

Think about sharing stories and posts on social media of some sneak peaks or even asking for input on an area you may be indecisive about.

“What do you think looks better for my website? Color combination A or B? I love them both so much and need your help to decide!” 

Whether the viewers realize it or not, by showing them the pieces of your process you will get them invested and keep your upcoming lauch in the back of their mind.

Go old school and run an ad or do a press release

Think about any groups, newsletters, businesses or publications that could be great resources in spreading the word. Once you have your list, come up with the best way to utilize them.

Write a Press Release that can be sent and hopefully republished by the right connections. Even if not used in its entirety, Press Releases are great for people to get the blurbs they want or need to various outlets. 

If a Press Release doesn’t seem appropriate for the source consider running an ad. To make the ad “pop!” consider combining it with a special offer to help increase interest. 

“In celebration of our website launch, XYZ Photography is offering a free family session! To enter, just join our Facebook group, like the post mentioning the contest and share it! Winner will be announced on our website when we launch on June 1st!”

A website launch is not just about getting everyone excited about your new website but to give new life to your business.

It is a small piece of the marketing puzzle to keep your photography business on potential clients’ radar and keep the enthusiasm for your work alive.

If you hire me to design your website, I’ll help you with the planning and strategy of your website launch! We’ll generate a ton of hype for your new site! Contact me for details.

graphic that reads, website launch ideas"

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